

Cities are physical environments—they are social settings, economic phenomena and political arenas. An understanding of these complex social structures can come only from an analysis that transcends the narrow perspective of any single discipline. The minor in urban studies offers students a chance to study the processes and problems of 城市化 from a variety of perspectives. It is designed with enough flexibility to allow a student to choose among many possible combinations, but requires one to experience at least three different disciplinary approaches.

需求 & 课程


The minor in urban studies offers students a chance to study the processes and problems of 城市化 from a variety of perspectives. It is designed with enough flexibility to allow a student to choose among many possible combinations, but requires them to experience at least three different disciplinary approaches.


六个课程 至少来自三个不同的部门或项目. 课程 offered at other Five College campuses may be included in the minor, 在一位顾问的同意下. A sample listing of approved Smith courses can be found on this page under the 课程 tab. 然而, each student will craft their own minor with the help of the minor adviser and may include courses not on this list. Please consult home departments for the year and semester each course is offered.


ANT 257城市人类学(4学分)

This course considers the city as both a setting for anthropological research and as an ethnographic object of study in itself. We aim to think critically about the theoretical and methodological possibilities, 城市人类学带来的挑战和限制. We consider concepts and themes such as 城市化 and migration; urban space and mobility; gender, race and ethnicity; technology and virtual space; markets and economies; citizenship and belonging; and production and consumption. {S}


ARH 212古城和圣所(4学分)

This course explores many different aspects of life in the cities and sanctuaries of the ancient Near East, 埃及, 希腊, 伊特鲁里亚和罗马. 反复出现的主题包括城市化, 景观和崇拜的模式, 包括初始化, 祭祀与朝圣. The class probes how modern notions of the secular and the sacred influence interpretation and how sometimes the seemingly most anomalous features of the worship of Isis or of the juxtaposition of commercial and domestic space within a city can potentially prove to be the most revealing about life in another place and time. ARU计数. {A}{H}



A consideration of the ancient city: architecture, painting, sculpture and objects of everyday life. 强调妇女和自由人作为艺术的赞助人. The impact of the rediscovery of Pompeii and its role as a source of inspiration in 18th-, 19th-, 并讨论了20世纪的艺术. 没有先决条件. {A}{H}



永恒之城的城市和建筑史, comprising seven famous hills whose summits and slopes (and the valleys in between) are a cradle of Western civilization. Extensive readings in primary sources and the analysis of works of art of all types will help us understand why Rome has constituted such an indispensable and inexhaustible point of emulative reference from the traditional date of its founding (21 April 753 BCE) to the fascist era and beyond. Considered as well is the relationship between city and country as expressed in the design of villas and gardens through the ages. {A}{H}


EDC 200城市批判视角(4学分)

This course explores how the challenges facing schools in America’s cities are entwined with social, 城市环境内的经济和政治状况. The essential question: How have educators and policy makers attempted to provide a quality educational experience for youth when issues associated with their social environment often present significant obstacles to teaching and learning? 运用相关的社会理论指导分析, students investigate school reform efforts at the macro-level by looking at policy-driven initiatives such as high stakes testing, 代金券和私有化, 在地方层面,通过探索教师的工作, 父母, 青年工作者和改革家. 学生有实地工作的机会. 名额限制:35人.


EDC 336rm Seminar: Topics in 教育-研究 Methods in 教育 (4 Credits)

学生 will be provided an introduction to educational research methods through two main activities in this weekly seminar: They will (1) discuss texts pertaining to analytical approaches and theoretical models in educational research inspired by constructivist and sociocultural theories, and (2) participate in research projects guided by Campus School teachers’ inquiries about learning. 学生 will be paired with teachers as research teams and regularly engage in providing and receiving feedback on their collaborative projects. Student research teams will support their teacher collaborators by constructing research plans, 和观察, 记录, 分析, 报告整个学期课堂学习的各个方面. 报名人数限12人. 仅限大三和大四学生. 需要教练许可.


HST 267 United States, 1877-1945: Race, Capitalism, Justice (4 Credits)

主要经济调查, 这一时期的政治和社会变化, 主要是通过种族的视角, 阶级和性别, 了解普通人在塑造重大事件中的作用, 包括工业资本主义, 殖民主义, 帝国主义, 大规模移民和迁移, 城市化, 大众文化的兴起, 民族主义, 战争, 女权主义, 劳动的激进主义, 民权运动和其他争取社会公正的解放运动. 名额限制:40人. {H}


SOC 218城市社会学(4学分)

对城市生活的社会学维度的研究. Main areas of inquiry: the processes of urban change; the city as a locus of various social relationships and cultural forms; urban poverty and social conflict; homelessness; and strategies for urban revitalization. 先决条件: SOC 101. 名额限制:35人. {S}



The minor consists of six courses from the following list but must contain choices 至少来自三个不同的部门或项目. 课程 offered at other Five College campuses may be included in the minor, 在一位顾问的同意下.


  • AFR 245哈莱姆文艺复兴


  • ANT 257城市人类学


  • ARH 212古城和圣所
  • arh250建筑巴洛克式欧洲
  • ARH 266建筑学在美国
  • ARH 283自1945年以来的建筑 
  • ARH 285大城市
  • ARS 388高级建筑:复杂场所,多重空间


  • ECO 230城市经济学


  • edc200城市教育


  • ENV 237研讨会:城市化世界中的环境正义


  • GOV 204城市政治
  • GOV 271全球城市


  • HST 267美国自1877年以来


  • LSS 230城市景观
  • lss315城市生态设计


  • SOC 213美国的种族与国家认同
  • SOC 214 社会学 of Hispanic Carribean Communities in the United States
  • SOC 218城市社会学




Barbara Richmond 1940 Professor in the Social Sciences and Professor of 社会学


Efadul Huq

环境科学 & 政策



教育 & 儿童研究

伊丽莎白一个. 伍德森1922年教育学教授 & 儿童研究




Associate Professor of 人类学, Director of the Sherrerd Center for Teaching and Learning





北安普顿,MA 01063

电话: 413-585-3572 电子邮件: dosepowi@marziodangelo.com



项目总监:Steven 莫卡

