

Two Smith 学生 st和 in tall grass 和 take specimen samples

Smith is an institution that puts its values to work. 作为一所大学, we implement strategic 和 thoughtful initiatives aimed at making our world a better place by focusing on several key values: equity 和 inclusion, 社区, 领导, 创业, 和可持续性.

了解更多关于 Smith is providing resources 和 support 与反犹太主义和伊斯兰恐惧症有关的校园社区.


阿里尔·本杰明,25岁 Emma Merchant ’24 are working to ensure the Design Thinking Studio—和 Smith’s campus as a whole—is accessible 和 welcoming to all, through intensive projects that are well underway.

“创造一个温馨的环境也是残疾人公正和无障碍的一部分,Merchant说。, 谁的作品旨在创造无障碍的长椅和连接校园的空间.

真正的合作, 深度学习, 澳门葡京博彩软件的转型奖学金要求每位学生, 教师, 和 staff member to feel a sense of belonging.
Floyd Cheung, Vice President for 公平与包容


From extensive initiatives like our geothermal energy project to long-term efforts such as buying locally sourced foods for our dining halls, 可持续性 is at the forefront at Smith. In fact, we’re on track to become 到2030年实现碳中和.


Saving the Mountain Magnolia

Climate change has put Magnolia fraseri on an ‘escalator to extinction’ in its native Appalachian Mountains.

Field with mountains in the distance.


莎拉·布拉格顿,25岁, an environmental science 和 policy major 和 geosciences minor, recently worked with 教师 members from three of the Five Colleges, 包括澳门葡京博彩软件自己的 格雷格·德·维特, 收集、部署、分析和解释来自挪威斯瓦尔巴群岛的环境数据.

“Every day in my internship was completely different from the next,Bragdon说, “but it consisted of primarily of training, 徒步旅行, 实地工作. 澳门葡京博彩软件的课程帮助我为实习做好了准备. 做好现场笔记是我在澳门葡京博彩软件中学到的一项技能,也是我今年夏天工作的关键. 我参与de Wet教授的实验室也意味着我将能够学习, 研究, 和 analyze the lake sediment cores that I helped to take in Svalbard!”

A Strong Sense of 社区

J和on Center for 社区 Engagement 与教师合作, 学生, 社区合作伙伴参与社会变革项目,解决社区驱动的目标. Through experiential learning 和 scholarship, 学生 build essential capacities in critical thinking while providing significant 领导 on urgent, complex issues facing communities 和 society.

社区 Engagement on Campus

With a diverse campus population, fostering a sense of 社区 at Smith 是一项持续的倡议,是公平办公室之间的合作努力 & Inclusion, the Center for Religious & 精神生活, 和 Multicultural Affairs—to ensure each student, 教师, 和 staff member feels welcome 和 comfortable on campus.


澳门葡京博彩软件家的人往往是领导者,这已经不是什么秘密了,这也不是巧合. 的 Wurtele Center for Leadership 鼓励学生找到自己的声音,并在不同的环境中以多种方式发挥领导作用.

该中心的使命是为澳门葡京博彩软件社区的所有成员提供创造力, 勇气, 以及在大小规模上引领积极变革的协作能力.


C系列 gathers 学生, 教师, 和 staff for a panel conversation, followed by dinner 和 a h和s-on making activity to dive into a 领导-related concept that can often have a wide range of meanings. We toss these terms around, 但我们如何才能以微妙而复杂的方式理解它呢?

Previous topics have included:

  • 倦怠
  • 协作
  • 边界
  • 同理心


So What Does Activism Really Mean, Anyway?


Join the Wurtele Center for Leadership as we gather 学生, 教师, 在一个关于这个概念的对话中,这个概念对不同的人有很多不同的含义. 我们把这个词扔来扔去,但我们如何以微妙而复杂的方式为自己理解它? This session is part of our “C Series” where we will consider, 批判, 公社, 连接, create 和 collaborate around topics related to “activism.” 的 session includes dinner, 特别嘉宾小组成员将在初秋公布. 

At the Wurtele Center for Leadership, we are in a constant state of learning 和 exploration around the nuances 和 strategies of collaborative 领导. Below are some resources that we have either created or collected to assist 澳门葡京博彩软件 社区 members in their collaborative 领导 和 learning endeavors.



在一个项目上合作的团队经常直接进入“任务模式”,” without taking the time to underst和 one another 和 establish a common set of expectations for how they will work together. 研究显示, 然而, how important it is to do the “maintenance” work necessary to establish a culture of psychological safety on a team before beginning work together. Here are structured ways to do this.

  • “Creating a Toolkit for Team Alignment” Video—We created this 学生领袖视频 at Smith, 但它包含了许多与任何团队开始合作的策略.
  • 的 User Manual—We often like to begin a project with a new team by having each member fill out 和 share a “user manual” for working with them. 我们有一个student version of the User Manual that is terrific for use with student groups, 和 another 教师/staff version of the User Manualthat goes into greater depth.
  • 小组规范工作表—Use this worksheet with your team to help you establish some team agreements or norms around how you want to collaborate with one another.
  • 任务 & 维护运动—This exercise introduces the concepts of “task” 和 “maintenance” modes in groups (a concept we’ve adopted from the great work of our friends at 领导+设计). 利用这一点来帮助关注团队的整体健康,同时也完成工作.

Leading in a Diverse 社区

身份和文化能力在我们如何领导和合作团队中发挥着重要作用. 这里有一些资源,可以帮助你培养在多元化社区中进行协作领导的技能:


紧张和冲突是与他人合作的自然部分. Instead of fearing 和 avoiding conflict, 协作型领导者努力接受并利用冲突,以推动团队前进. We teamed up with Stacey Steinbach in Student Affairs to create a 学生领袖视频 to help them begin to feel comfortable managing conflict.

Collaborative Communication


  • “Communication 101” Video—With the help of Emily Norton from the Design Thinking Initiative, we created this 学生领袖视频 at Smith, 帮助他们思考和练习移情倾听和与同龄人的沟通.
  • 交流实践-本文档为小组提供了练习有效倾听和沟通技巧的练习. 它是面向学生领袖的,但也可以针对其他团体或团队进行修改.

Intentional Meeting Design

协作式领导意味着作为一个团队经常聚集在一起集思广益, 头脑风暴法, make decisions 和 连接 with one another. Collaborative leaders therefore design a lot of meetings.

通过仔细考虑如何设计会议体验,最大限度地利用会议. 看到 Intentional Meeting Design H和book 我们为学生领袖创建了帮助他们设计有意和愉快的会议.

A group of high school 学生 on the beach in Turks & Caicos with Smith geology professors 和 学生.


In January 2024, Professors 为了逃避抓捕已经做GlumacH. 艾伦伦, 还有几个澳门葡京博彩软件的学生和哈特威克学院的大卫·格里芬教授, traveled to Turks 和 Caicos to conduct field 研究.

虽然, 这群人邀请了当地高中的学生和他们一起在实地呆了一天, 其中包括探索现代海滩和沙丘沉积环境的沉积物. 的 学生 also practiced identifying different types of coral from fragments washed by waves onto the shore, 和 learned about the impacts of climate change.

Learn More About Geosciences at Smith

Excelling in Entrepreneurship

Jill Ker Conway Innovation Center is home to all things 创业 at Smith. Well known for the 德雷伯竞争, it’s become a major hub for creativity, 的想法, 以及校园里的激情.








整个学年有一些大学赞助的活动和挑战, allowing you to put your 的想法 to the test.


每年, the Wurtele Center for Leadership hosts the 增强竞争, encouraging 学生 to share their knowledge, 故事, 在公共论坛上发表自己的观点,发出自己的声音,带来积极的变化.


的 annual 德雷伯竞争 for Collegiate Women Entrepreneurs, hosted by the Jill Ker Conway Innovation 和 Entrepreneurship Center, 是为了磨练女大学生从想法到创业所需的技能而设计的.


Hosted by the Wurtele Center for Leadership, 这些奖项旨在表彰我们社区中表现出创造力的成员, 勇气, 以及在大小规模上做出积极改变的协作能力.

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